Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Ch, Ch, Ch, Changes!

Its been a long time coming, but I guess its time to blog about our life lately!

Lets see, I haven't been on here since January... JANUARY! Way too long.

Anyway, there has been quite a lot of things going on in the Cawyer household. We are still here in Lubbock with the worst spring ever. Literally zero rain and 50 mph wind everyday. I can NOT keep up with the dust in this house. Other than that, it's still not that hot here yet so I can't complain too much.

Chase is almost done with his third year of med school... I can't believe it. It has gone by so fast and I am so thankful. He's going to be Dr. Chase Cawyer in less than a year! Woohoo! So proud of him and all his hard work. He has finally decided to do an OB/GYN residency... and eventually go on to REI fellowship (REI is reproductive, endocrine, infertility). So he gets to help people have babies!!!! He loves the OB part of delivering babies and gets such a high from that so it was cool to see him love what he loves! However, he especially loved helping people conceive and start their own families. He just loved getting to call people and tell them they were pregnant after years of trying. Plus, with REI, he still gets to do surgeries and procedures- which I like because I know Mr. ADD won't get bored:)

Speaking of babies.... Chase and I are totally excited to welcome our little one this Thanksgiving! We are overwhelmed with what to expect and how to prepare, but we know God will guide us through this process. We are just praying for a smooth pregnancy (which, thankfully, it has been so far) and a happy, healthy baby! Chase has been wonderfully supportive and is just now getting to the point where he is NOT totally freaked out! We've been to the Dr a few times already and seen the little bug moving around, but we won't know if its a boy a girl for a couple of weeks. So, happy turkey day to us:)

Thank you to everyone who has been so excited for us and wished us well. We greatly appreciate it! We are thankful for you all!

It's been a pretty eventful last few months and its on;y going to start getting crazier. Chase has to start applying for residency programs this fall- which is scary because we have no idea where God will lead us to for the next 4-7 years. We are excited and ready for whatever is thrown our way!

For those of you that care, here is a belly pic of me at 16 weeks!